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The Witham Volunteer Organization is hosting the Athletic Annex fundraiser on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 from the hours of 6:00a.m. – 6:00p.m.  Athletic Annex will be offering professional shoe fittings and thermal arch scans! Customers may choose from a wide assortment of the industry’s leading footwear, arch supports and other name-brand accessories!

Athletic Annex logo

Customers will receive 10% off their purchase and 10% of all sales will be donated to the Witham Volunteer Organization!  With any purchase customers will be entered in a chance to win a $100 Athletic Annex gift card!  All forms of payment are accepted (credit/debit card and cash).

The event is being held at the main entrance of Witham Health Services, located at 2605 North Lebanon Street in Lebanon.

All proceeds from the fundraiser benefit the Witham Volunteer Organization Scholarship Program and various fund the need initiatives for Witham Health Services.

To learn more about this event or for information about volunteer opportunities at Witham, contact Amy Mitchell, Director of Volunteers at: (765) 485-8175, or by email at: amitchell@witham.org.